Saturday, December 12, 2020

yeah, this pumpkins disc is mildly enjoyable, but it's very light, and that's another thing about what they've been doing lately that's really not my cup of tea. one of the critical reviews suggested it lacked hooks; i'd suggest it's really nothing but hooks, and what it's missing is extrapolation on them. that said, i agree with the critiques that suggest it could benefit from some greater variation. every song is kind of the same.

but, i mean, i realized a long time ago that i'm not his target audience, anymore.

it's a step in the right direction, and there are some interesting moments, but that's been the status quo for years. i still need something deeper, more elaborate, more complex....and darker. less frivolous. i don't think he's interested, frankly - i think he likes making his throwaway pop songs. and, that's fine. whatever.

i'm enjoying the new son lux record a lot more.