Friday, May 24, 2024

i don't know exactly what's going on, but i think the stalkers upstairs are reading posts to this site and i have to be as clear as i can that there is no possibility that i'm going to have children. this seems to be a primary motive; somebody, apparently a family member or family members, wants me to breed.

it's ultimately the unwanted children themselves that suffer the most from being unwanted, and i don't want to create another unwanted child in this world. i'm not remotely interested in taking care of a child. i don't want the responsibility and i would not take any pleasure or gain any joy from it. all that a shit machine means to me is a form of slavery forcing me into unwanted labour in order to pay for them.

i successfully avoided making that mistake in the early part of my life. i'm 43 years old, now. now that i'm older and smarter, i'm not about to make that mistake, now.

these people don't seem to care much about science, so they don't want to listen to the fact that i'm castrated and unable to breed. i did not save sperm because i didn't want children.

the only way i could "start a family" is to adopt, and i have infinitely less interest in being enslaved to a stranger's mistake, after having avoided creating a mistake of my own.

this is very stupid and unhelpful. i do not want children and would not be a good parent because i don't wat children. that mistake would end up neglected and ignored and unwanted like a million others, including myself. 

my mind is not going to change; i made this decision when i was young and i've never considered revisiting it. i have always known i would never breed, and have never remotely wanted to.

i have better and more important things to do than waste my life raising children.