Sunday, June 16, 2024

the statements coming from the g7 on the israel issue are like statements written in 1975, coming to us via a time machine.

i read an article accusing joe biden of being stuck in the 90s. no. he's actually stuck in the 70s.

somebody needs to explain to biden and his binkie that their concept of the middle east is so out of touch with reality on the ground that they should refrain from interfering, not try to place the peacemaker and just get out of the way, because they are so divorced from reality that all they can do is make the situation worse.

i don't like that i'm falling in line behind republican statements, but joe biden's middle eastern policy is indiscernible from jimmy carter's, and having this doddering, out of touch old man trying to interfere in events on the ground from a perspective that belongs to 50 years ago is the last thing the world needs.

he's going to do more to hinder than to help and should focus on his own fucking country.