Saturday, June 15, 2024

this guy tony blinken really is the incarnation of neville chamberlain. i've never seen a dumber liberal that's less able to learn the lessons of the past, or more willing to repeat the mistakes of the past.

they want to put the plo in charge of gaza, but this is a non-starter. to begin with, the voters in gaza rejected fatah in the last election, which was 2006. the plo has absolutely zero democratic legitimacy in the region and forcing them into power will probably even lead to a civil war.

if gaza is to return to self-rule, it clearly needs fresh elections. there is no way to avoid this, it's mandatory. otherwise, this was a waste of time.

however, i don't think gaza should return to self-rule at the moment. democracy has certain prerequisites and they simply aren't being met. the outcome is predictable.

they want a plan. i get it. i think israel has a plan, they're just apprehensive about telling us. the plan needs to be (and probably is) that the united nations takes on the role of a civilian government, while israel maintains military control, for the foreseeable future. this un-backed civilian government needs to focus on re-educating the population and minimizing the role of islamic fundamentalism.

fresh elections to transfer power to a civilian authority should be scheduled for c. 2040ish, once the re-education process has produced a new generation of leaders.

any attempt to transfer to self-rule, including via the plo, is just going to result in more violence. this is stupid and shouldn't be given the time of day as a serious option.