Saturday, July 6, 2024

i thought i had an intestinal parasite a few years ago. i couldn't prove it, and i still can't, but i'm not convinced it is gone, or that it was never there.

that's the problem: i can't prove it. these things breed rapidly, and have been evolving for billions of years longer than we have. we're ultimately descended from them, very distantly. they're very sneaky.

what i learned doing research is that there's been murmurs in the western medical community for decades that the prevalence of parasites in western populations is dramatically higher than western governments want to acknowledge. american science conquered parasites sometime in the middle of the cold war with progressive sanitation practices. therefore, you only get parasites in backwards third world countries like mexico, china, cuba and russia.

so, you might have a parasite eating your brain, too, but the difference between you and a descendant of joseph kennedy is that you don't have access to the doctors or the medical equipment that he has, so he found his parasite and removed it, and you will never find yours, you'll just get dementia and die young, instead.

i am not fan of any of the kennedys. i don't know who killed jfk, but they did the world a favour, because jfk wasn't somebody that should have had his finger on the button. jfk was a deranged lunatic with a death wish that almost started world war three like five times. rfk seemed far more put together, but he was no less arrogant, and just as dangerous. it's less that rfk junior is the mental midget in the clan and more that the society has evolved since the 60s. if jfk walked through a time portal and ran for office tomorrow, you wouldn't like him any more than you like his half-retarded nephew, and you should realize that.

i have not posted about rfk jr and i'm not going to.

let us never speak of him again.