i have a large pile of cardboard boxes in front of the heater. it's a clear fire hazard. it didn't matter when the heat was off during the summer, and it's been a warm fall. as of friday, the heat remained off and i was putting off doing something about it until i could determine if i was going to be here or not.
the disgusting faggot freaks cut a hole in the floor to break in here to drug me with testosterone as a part of their sick faggot fantasies. i am not gay. i am not a gay ally. i think homosexuality is a mental illness. i don't think it's worth persecuting because it isn't harmful (except in situations like this, where the correct thing to do is put the faggots in jail), but i have no interest in tolerating faggots in my personal life. i have never had a gay friend and i don't want to have gay friends; i don't respect gay people, and i don't respect the choice that gay people make to be gay. yes, being gay is a choice. nobody is born gay. i need the boxes there to keep the fucking faggots out and to stop them from drugging me. i'm not interested in their gross, perverted fantasies. at all.
if you're trans, go be trans, i can tolerate that, but don't be a faggot. it's disgusting. polite society should have no real expectation to tolerate the fags in any real, meaningful sense.
after the adjournment until december 11th, i realized i would have to do something about this. the heat will need to come on in november.
so, i sent them an email asking them to avoid turning the heat on until i could address the issue.
ten minutes later, the heat turns on. i have sent emails, i have yelled, and the heat remains on.
i am not going to remove the pile of cardboard until i am able to fix the issue in a way that prevents them from being able to enter the space, so we're living in a tinderbox of their own creation, which i have told them to turn off. they won't, and it's clear they won't.
why are they doing this?
it's not cold in here. my thermostat says 30 degrees. the place is insulated, there's computers on, the stove runs down here fairly fequently.
they turned the heat on because i asked them not to and because they want to show me who the boss is.
that's the mentality of an eight year old child but i will never get anything more mature than that out of these abjectly retarded and utterly immature fucking faggot freaks. freud's description of homosexuality was as a symptom of arrested development and a low level of maturity, and his analysis of homosexualty is the only thing he actually got right. they want to control and dominate, like the overgrown children they are, which is what all gay people are - overgrown children that cannot mature into normal heterosexual adults due to some trauma that occurred in their childhood or due to some level of mental retardation brought on by some myriad of factors. gay people are essentially retards. that's what freud said, and it's the correct analysis.
i'm not interested in fighting with them or playing their childish games with them.
so, they can burn the fucking place down, then, and i'll just call them retards for doing it when it goes to court. i don't have time for this. i'm not interested.