Saturday, February 22, 2014

you need to be extra careful about venezuela, because you don't just have imperialists lying to you, you also have chavistas lying to you.

without any special knowledge of what is happening, i'll point out that the opposition almost certainly does not represent the protestors. it may be entirely true that the opposition is working with the united states to overthrow the government. however, pointing that out is not the same thing as accusing the protestors of being right-wing - as they clearly are in the ukraine, i might add.

all the "independent" media reports are essentially the same. students represent the upper middle class. poor support the government. it's counter-revolutionary. but that's of course based on the false understanding of venezuela as a left-wing state in the first place. it can't be a counter-revolution if a revolution never happened in the first place. i'm well aware of active leftist movements in venezuela that are deeply opposed to the existing government.

within all that confusion, there have been tons of false images floating around, and it's hard to believe that's not something that's been orchestrated.

so, again, it's like anywhere else: there's three sides here, not two. the state and the opposition are well understood, and the opposition is definitely an imperial proxy. but the actual people, what they're fighting for, what their political ideals are and their end desires are a far more difficult entity to understand.