Friday, May 3, 2019

"why am i here?" is actually just a stupid question. and, yes, there are stupid questions.

the question is rooted in the premise that there's some external force that created you, and defined your purpose and being. it then follows that answering the question of "why you're here" would come from getting a better understanding of whatever this external force is.

but, there is no such external force. and, if you fully grasp that, then you wouldn't ask the question of why you're here, because it would be incoherently defined.

a better question to ask is "what do i want out of life?". that shifts the premise from the false assumption that something created and defines you, and to the more modernist assumption that you're actually on your own in the universe, and need to figure that shit out yourself.

If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.