Thursday, May 2, 2019

this is perhaps the most confusing, intricate and difficult topic in canadian politics: the indigenous community's approach to the indian act.

indigenous activists will loudly stand up and denounce the legislation as racist, and they're right to do so. but, when give the opportunity to dismantle it, they demur - to a man or woman. the reason is that they don't want to be assimilated.

it's easy enough to accuse them of not wanting to give away what is even quickly becoming a strawman. as people leave the reserves, the scope of the indian act continues to wane. there have been attempts to introduce blood quantum rules that would amount to assimilation in a few generations. so, the easiest way to get rid of the indian act may actually be to stop amending it - to let it collapse into obsolescence.

but, this is a minefield, up here. - and it is legitimately hard, because it is not actually a contradiction. they want sovereignty and equality at the same time, to be the one and the other, the same and different - or separate, yet equal. by request.

the elder trudeau wanted assimilation, and he didn't get it. the younger trudeau may end up with little more than a confused mess.