Thursday, May 2, 2019

"but, who feeds you and clothes you while you're off carrying through with your enlightened purpose?"

it's a neat trick they play on you. first, they define this idea called property that ensures that anybody that doesn't own a substantive amount of it is unable to exist independently. then, they tell you that you're living off the system when you refuse to roll over at the extortion.

i'll tell you what my answer is: i have no sympathy for people that buy into the system, and then complain about the people that don't. my answer is: get out of the system, which is not a response of insolence but is actually one of self-interest.

i would rather feed and clothe myself. i'm happy to do it, but you won't let me - you insist on controlling the property. and, i'll look you in the eye and say it to your face: you can't have it both ways.

so, let's call the welfare check a redistribution of property rights, then.