Sunday, September 13, 2020

i lost my tabs on an unwanted reboot, but i was cleaning them up before it happened.

so, final thoughts on flavonols are...

1) like most things, you want to eat them with a little fat. so, putting ice cream in my fruit bowl helps with absorption. i already knew that, though.
2) you want to avoid eating them with animal protein, as they may bind to it. you want these things to get in your system in a way that they're able to bind to open electrons, so you don't want them to bind to animal proteins, first.
3) while there may be certain things that can be done to these molecules to increase absorption, information as to what is naturally available appears to be scarce. aglycones appear to exist in some unknown ratio in most foods that have flavonols, and methylation appears to occur in unclear concentrations. these are ideas i should look at on a flavonoid-by-flavonoid basis.

i went from being unable to stay awake to being unable to sleep and i wish i understood the factors underlying it, besides my hormones fluctuating, which i just can't avoid, because i'm not getting sufficient access to care. i'm noticing some unwanted effects of cutting back on the t-blockers, and i can't do anything about it but hide inside, cry by myself and try to get a hold of a surgeon. but, over the last 12 hours or so, i'm noticing rising levels of angry, depressive and violent thoughts along with extreme difficulties focusing. testosterone kills brain cells. so, i don't know what to do, besides point to the fact that i warned everybody about the consequences of detransition, before it happens.

i'm very unhappy right now.

so, i don't know what's next.

what i need to do next, regarding the diet work through, is to connect the various dietary components to actual food sources and try to add it all up. but, i'm not sure i'm in a mental state that's going to allow me to do anything except shiver in the corner and cry.