Wednesday, March 9, 2016

this isn't a video that was captured by some random person, and then went viral. this is a video that was put up on the official cnn site with a political motive, flooded with fake comments, etc. it's the system identifying a threat and going into exterminate mode.

if you can't see through this for what it is, you deserve hillary.


jogariba jogariba
Why is everyone in this here comment section so ridiculously uneducated and probably 14?

they all use the same lines - it's centralized. this is a tactic. they seem to have taken over a few months ago, indicating that it's probably the trump campaign. but, there's some possibility that it's deeper than that, too. the only real difference between this new wave of thought police agents is that they seem to have dispensed with the premise that persuasion through discourse is worthwhile, and have resorted entirely to intimidation through name-calling. they're not going to go away.