Thursday, February 15, 2018


i'm willing to accept that i may have had minimal testosterone exposure, but i'm less interested in my digit ratios and more interested in my body hair patterns.

my father was italian, jewish, french and cree. he was as hairy a man as you ever will meet. i'm told my maternal grandfather was a roughly normally hairy guy. so, i should have expected something between normal and ape-man, growing up.

in truth, i've never seen more than peach fuzz, from my belly-button up to my neck. i mean, nobody is truly hairless, sure. but, my chest hair would be in the normal range for women, rather than the normal range for men. and, i was not on testosterone suppressors early enough to expect to prevent growth...

i've repeatedly argued that this is the only phenotypical evidence i have to present.

i remain convinced that my identity is not exactly a choice - although i will argue until i'm blue that i have the right to make that choice - but more of a function of my early upbringing.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.