Thursday, February 15, 2018

well, i dunno.

is justin trudeau a potential dictator?

it seems comical. not because he's a liberal icon, but because he's obviously a dunce.

but, they said the same thing about hitler, didn't they?

i don't know what you even seize in canada, really. the oil fields, i guess. i wouldn't expect a canadian invasion of america any time soon. and, in that sense, it's hard to predict what might happen if he were to launch a coup tomorrow.

but, what he's done to the senate has crossed the line of 'concerning' and entered the region of 'scary'.

as a country, we have to address this as soon as we can. there are three options that are consistent with our history as a democracy:

1) elected senate. i think this is a bad idea.
2) abolition. i think this is a bad idea.
3) return to the previous status quo of unelected senators that only interfere in the process as an absolute last resort. i'd prefer this.

the idea of an unelected, activist senate is not a serious option in a free & democratic society.

'last resort' means 'if the government is trying to pass unconstitutional legislation'. and, we have a good example.

in the late 80s, the mulroney government tried to pass a law that would criminalize abortion, in clear contradiction to a court ruling that had struck the previous laws down as unconstitutional. the law was clearly ultra vires. so, it was an abuse of power, for that reason. this law was ultimately blocked in the senate.

it was the first time that the senate had blocked legislation in decades. and, presuming we can elect responsible governments, that's about as often as i want to hear from the senate - every few decades.

it's there, in case of emergency. but, it shouldn't be used unless necessary, because it's hopelessly undemocratic.

and, when the government loses it's democratic legitimacy, it breaks the social contract.

in my view, the marijuana legislation has already been passed. and, if the senate blocks it in the end, the country has a good reason both to discard the senate's behaviour (in favour of the relevant judicial precedent) and, frankly, to openly revolt.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.