Thursday, February 15, 2018

so, who's fault is this?

it's not andrew scheer's fault. he's the opposition leader. he's opposing. that's his job.

he does not have a mandate to compromise. he does not have a mandate to work with the government. he has a mandate to oppose every single thing that's put in front of him; that is what an opposition leader must do in a westminster system.

bipartisanism is a purely american concept. that is just not how our system works. if he were to do anything else, he would be incompetent and ought to be removed in a vote of no confidence.

no. this is unambiguously, 100%, entirely, completely, not-even-a-little-bit-somebody-else's fault but justin trudeau's.

and, i expect him to take responsibility for it.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.