Sunday, November 18, 2018

i don't think i did an actual show review, but i'm pretty certain that i wrote a review about my experiences during the day - but i also vaguely recall accidentally deleting it. hrmmn.

i'm going to watch the vlog and decide whether i should write something up, now.

during this period, i would have normally written the review in the space where i uploaded footage, rather than in the vlog itself. but, i didn't upload any footage. so, i might have posted it to google+, instead - but it's gone, if i did.

i just remember taking about the rain, and the price of beer, and the kids that didn't know how to roll a joint, and then the strange experience of a seated disco concert in a bourgeois venue. the chickens. i wrote this up. but, that was over two years ago, now, and i'm not sure i'm going to recollect it so well.

i slept, so this is a new day. and i'm going to eat, first.

the weird thing about the smoke from upstairs is that he only seems to smoke when the kids are there. so, am i mistaking something else for the smoke? is it a food by product? are the kids tracking in smoke from somewhere else, and am i that sensitive? is he just letting his daughter smoke in the house? or does he find the kids that stressful, or what?

i have nothing to go on, right now, besides my sore throat and persistent cough in reaction to the stimulus of polluted air.