Thursday, May 9, 2019

what would be my conditions regarding accepting a prescription for anxiety?

well, it would have to become endemic, first. i'd have to convince myself it isn't environmental, first. right now, i think i'm having a negative reaction to the second-hand marijuana smoke, or something else, from upstairs, so i don't want to take a pill - i want to get away from the smoke.

second, i'd have to have tried a few other things first. fresh air. vitamin d therapy. fucking yoga, even; well, if i'm anxious, it might help. accepting drugs as a solution would have to be a last resort, after everything else fails.

but, in theory, what are my conditions?

well, the first thing you'd have to do is prove to me that you know what the cause of the anxiety is. i'm not into witch doctors that think they can prescribe based on reading your aura; if you think i have a chemical problem and this is the reason i'm anxious, i want you to tell me what chemical i'm producing too much or too little of, and i want you to tell me why. if you can't do that, i'm going to call you a quack and tell you to push your pills on somebody else. i'm also going to want a blood test that actually proves the hunch, and i'm going to want the medication level chosen in a way that is proportional to the results of the blood test. further, i'm going to want regular testing and adjustment.

this should be a basic and unstated requirement, really, but my understanding is that it is essentially never done, because the doctors get heavy kickbacks from the drug companies and don't really, actually give a fuck.

as mentioned: i don't have a history of anxiety in introversion, like this. i can only describe it via comparison to hormone therapy, which is a brutal and awful experience. i'm not enjoying this, and i want it to stop.