i've been clear that i don't think much of any of this is legal, and we're witnessing historic abuses of power that could set horrific precedents that could take decades to undo. nothing they've done has remotely worked in reducing spread at all, nor was there ever any reason to think any of it ever would have worked, and it's been pushed down at vicious costs to our individual freedom. there's no use in yelling by myself in the street - i need awareness. and, i've tried to build it, tried to be subversive, tried to be educational. it's all i can do.
but, it's going to be time - very soon - to stand up tall and make sure that we take back every single inch that they've stolen from us - and more.
you should expect them to try to take some of these rights away permanently. alcohol seems to be a primary target, and we may have to fight hard to reassert our rights around it. you should, in general, expect a tilting of state power towards the interests of what used to be called religious minority groups, and are increasingly representative of the majority, and which are going to emerge from this as powerful actors. but, it's not clear what the extent of it is going to be until it happens, who we're going to need to struggle against or who our allies are going to be on the ground.
but, we need to send a shot across the bow - if you think this is permanent, think again. people are being more patient than they ought to be, but they haven't changed and they will stand up the moment they feel this is over, as they ought to.
i hope that some of these idiots - and john tory is head clown - get turfed over it, in the end.