Monday, May 20, 2024

what do i think should be done in gaza?

the idea that gaza is or should be an independent country is moronic and people stating as much cannot be listened to or otherwise taken seriously. anybody suggesting a palestinian state as an outcome of this process should be laughed out of the room; that is not a serious discussion.

gaza needs a marshall plan, and it needs to be done under heavy israeli occupation, in conjunction with a un peacekeeping force. they should depopulate the entire region, bulldoze it, rebuild it and then focus on ensuring that the new inhabitants receive a secular education that separates them from their recent history of islamism. this focus on a secular education is of the utmost importance and the primary tactic that is required to prevent further conflict in the region. a particular focus on economic development should also be fundamental.

international law is likely to be more of a hindrance than a help in stabilizing the region and some attempt to reform the international institutions to rewrite some laws to be less conservative and allow for more aggressive processes of needed change may also be required. this legal regime was written to freeze the world as it was in 1945, and that is no longer what anybody should want and something that needs to be moved on from. this is a situation where forced population replacement is helpful to the stability of the region, and the law should allow for it rather than try to stop it. this idea that all population replacement is criminal needs to be re-examined.

once the region is rebuilt, i think there should be a referendum to join egypt, with egypt's consent. if that referendum fails, some talk of statehood may again become relevant some time around 2050.