Wednesday, September 25, 2019

i blew the day, but i've got some writing coming...

the gas leak came back this evening around 18:00, so i had to fill the p-trap back up with water and dish soap before sealing the cleanout back up. i've blocked the leak, but not before it sent a bunch more shit into the air. i'm not going to get the fan back in here for another day or two, so it might get kind of rank.

i guess i'll have to do laundry again.....

there's a temperature gradient around the cleanout that may be contributing to the problem. i don't how normal that is, though - it goes right to the underground sewer, right? you'd kind of expect it to be a little cooler down there.

but, i suspect the bigger culprit is the dehumidifier upstairs.

i'm going to send him an email asking him to make sure that he's running water through the sinks and flushing toilets periodically, that he's not letting anything dry out.

as it is, i was up in the afternoon around 15:00-ish and haven't done much yet besides eat. lots of stuff to do, though.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.