Wednesday, September 25, 2019

i'm going to post another update on the smell before i take a shower, which i'm hoping helps quite a bit. we'll have to see if i want to launder my sheets tonight or not, but i'm leaning towards it. i didn't get to doing this yesterday, as i was getting ready to go out to the show - the review is coming soon.

i got back on sunday close to noon and spent much of the next 36 hours tossing and turning, but i was also trying to pinpoint the exact location of the ammonia smell. i have an old cabinet in front of my bed that is turned sideways, and is useful to put a monitor on (my laptop has a burnt out screen lamp in it). so, when i'm typing, my nose is a foot from the cabinet, because my bed is pushed right up to it. the amp, which is covered in 30-40 year old carpet, was previously keeping the cabinet (which is broken) in place. the stink was landing on the amp, and taking the amp out mostly fixed it, but it was always clear that it wasn't the actual cause of anything.

when the smell came back without the amp, the place the smell was landing wasn't clear. so, i lysoled around the cabinet a few times, over the floor, around the bedframe, etc - which helped me eventually figure out that the smell was coming from a combination of the boxspring, and the underside of the mattress.

so, i dismantled the bed yesterday afternoon and went over the whole area with a lot of lemon-smelling dish soap. i left it dismantled when i went out, and put it back together when i got home this morning at about 4:00. and, that seemed to work before the p-trap dried back out and released some more gas; i might need to do this again.

for now, what i've done in here is make coffee. if i can't blow the hydrogen sulfide around, maybe i can overpower it. we'll see how that works...

so, what happened? why does the boxspring smell now, when it was the amp before?

well, it could be because somebody came in here. i need to keep pointing this possibility out, but the absolute depravity of this is getting beyond baffling.

but, an ammonia smell would be the expected result of hydrogen sulfide exposure. so, there could be sewer gas in the boxspring. i suppose that some moisture, combined with a lack of air circulation, could have brought it back out. or, there could have been some gas leakage when i was gone...

i need to understand what's happening before i can figure out how to fix it, and how to react, otherwise. i have a naturalistic explanation, and if it's correct then there should be a reasonable way to fix it, so long as i can keep the gas from coming out, or get to it as soon as it starts.

for now, the next thing to do is clean a little in the other room and take a shower. i'll get back to the show review in a bit.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.