Thursday, October 15, 2020

no, listen.

we're just going to go from protesting oil to protesting nuclear. it's a non-answer.

it's easy to guess what the government is thinking - that it will help the mining industry. and, canada does indeed produce a lot of uranium, it is true.

as though we have some infinite store of uranium, right?

we don't.

At the current rate of uranium consumption with conventional reactors, the world supply of viable uranium, which is the most common nuclear fuel, will last for 80 years.

i know - we'll have fusion in 20 years, right?

it doesn't take a lot of foresight to see what's going to happen - consumption is going to go up, and we'll be out of uranium within a few decades, with nowhere to store the increasingly large amount of waste. that is, if we can talk the americans into letting us do it. you know that they have some other uses for the stuff, right?

and, then what?

back to oil?

or will we go to hydro? i'm going to bet on hydro.

so, why waste trillions of dollars building nuclear plants that will last a few decades, and create massive amounts of waste in the process, if we're just going to end up with hydro in the end, anyways?

the answer is obvious: $$$.

but, we're supposed to be thinking longterm, here, we're supposed to be aiming for sustainability, both in terms of energy supplies and in terms of environmental impact. 

uranium solves nothing, it's that simple.