Thursday, October 15, 2020

woahwoahwoah, let's understand trump's talk about rigged elections properly, here. 

while the democrats will probably let a few dead people vote in specific counties that they control the machinery in (they always do), and arguing that "voter fraud doesn't happen" is basically the same thing as pointing out that they always get away with it (just because something doesn't show up in court records doesn't mean it isn't happening - ask victims of female genital mutilation, as one example), that really doesn't have anything to do with what trump is saying.

if you're taking trump seriously on this, you're essentially taking the bait; he doesn't take himself seriously, and he's not really concerned about what he's saying at all.

rather, what he's doing is deflecting away from his own tactics to steal the election. and, i'll again point you to greg palast as a primary source - he's a good one.

see, this is why i'm waiting to provide a media analysis. this is obvious; we've been through it enough times to see the warning signs. this is always step one - they tell you the other guy is cheating, before they go and cheat, themselves. it's almost standard, at this point.

but, instead of running serious stories about the possibility that trump is going to blatantly steal the election (a serious possibility with dramatic consequences - perhaps much more so than 2000), the media is running fluff stories about when happens when trump "refuses to leave", and then goes out and castigates anybody willing to challenge the results.

so, now, if trump wins, you won't challenge it, right?

so, it might seem like the media is out to get trump, but if you follow the narrative more closely, what you see is an establishment that is falling perfectly in line in conditioning you not to challenge the outcome - even as it seems to say mean things. you get your two minutes of hate, sure, but you don't really get a choice, in the end.

so, let's be very careful and very clear-thinking, here.

the results of an election, as presented by the state, are not beyond the discourse. there is nothing conspiratorial about dissent; do not be told not to question.