Monday, August 12, 2024

do we really need to put the bars out of business?

it's one thing to have sales in corner stores. i've appreciated that about michigan, especially regarding the hours. the liquor store in ontario closes way too early. you can get a mike's or something at the 7/11 over the bridge up to 1:00 am and pre-drink it while bicycling out to a late show or overnight rave.

it's another to have people drinking in bleach-mopped 7-11s with spotlights and perhaps in the middle of the day, like it's a supervised consumption site. i guess if you're really alcoholic, it'll have to do, but is there actually a market for drinking alcohol in the 7-11?

it would make more sense to let them sell pot and have a smoking section outside behind the store because then they're already at the 7-11. a couple of picnic tables. no need to get munchies. kids have been smoking behind the 7/11 for decades for exactly that reason in the first place.

my primary concern is whether this is going to hurt the bars, but i don't think it will. it's less opposition and, who gets drunk at a 7/11, besides homeless people? in that sense, it is supervised consumption.