Sunday, August 4, 2024

i've mentioned that i need to move soon and have few to zero options, which is creating a bad situation in the current ridiculous market.

i have a stable income at $1430/month, and it's tied to inflation. it went up about $70 on aug 1. that's about $17,000/year. i get another roughly $1000/year from carbon tax rebates and gst rebates. this is odsp (disability) for one person in ontario.

i currently live in a large bachelor's apartment in a basement duplex that somebody put a wall up in to pretend is two bedrooms. it's not. it would be useful if they knocked the wall down, frankly, as it just wastes space in the bachelor unit. the person that rented it to me advertised it as a bachelor's apartment for $750, in 2018. after a few increases, it's still only $790.

i should clearly be in subsidized housing. i'd have to be homeless, first, unfortunately. i may push it, regardless.

i could afford something around $1000-$1100, more or less max. i'd rather be in the $800-$1000 range. that is the cost of a room in ontario at the moment, and i can't live in a room, i need a private space. there are almost no one bedroom apartments in windsor available for rent at all - it's a less than 1% vacancy rate.

to be clear: it doesn't matter if you can afford it. there's no supply. you can't move anywhere.

they are building, but it will take time. they've cut out international students in windsor, which should reduce the number of college students, but you have to understand that they cram these indian kids into closets and they don't complain because that's how they live in india anyways. apparently, the owners of these houses (all indian) are just going to sell and they're cranking up the prices. it may have less effect on the market than i'd like.

however, i may be able to win some money in a number of lawsuits, and look at this:

the listing is here:

i've seen these aging and small houses in windsor (i live in one) and it's not a two bedroom house.  it's nothing fancy. it's best understood as a split level bachelor's unit (so that you can have one person living upstairs and potentially another downstairs), with an attic that can be used for extra space. adding in the garage, it would be about 3x as much usable space as i have now.

it may be easier for me to find $20,000 than it is for me to find a one bedroom apartment for $1,000.

i'm disabled. i live on odsp. government assistance. it's more affordable for me to buy an old house than to pay rent. that is retarded.

how about this beachfront property on lake erie? it's a one bedroom house, for $150,000. this one is a time share and not what i want, but you get the point, regarding a property worth $150,000.

will i find a one bedroom for $834/month? no.

can i find $7500? maybe.

this is idiotic. i should not be purchasing property, i should be in city run housing.

but i'll need to do what i need to do to survive.