Tuesday, November 1, 2016

it's not the first military & intelligence backed republican coup. you had bush in 2000. reagan in 1980. nixon in 1968. this isn't a rare occurrence at all.

but, it's becoming increasingly clear that we're stuck with trump whether we like it or not.

don't pretend like picking sanders over clinton would have gotten us out of this, either.

this is a really hack job. they're not even trying to hide it.

trump is the establishment candidate, now. and the establishment always wins.

well, "wins", anyways.

the abc tracking poll is beyond herding. that kind of movement, out of nowhere, and with no back-up, isn't even worth debunking. but, that's the poll that you're going to hear about.

there are going to be some massive contradictions. you'll never get a good answer. you'll just be expected to swallow them.

we did go through this once before. but, i fear that most of us didn't learn the correct lesson, which is that there wasn't a serious choice on offer. there was never actually an election between bush and gore. it was predetermined...

clinton may be putting up more of a fight, but that doesn't make the outcome any less certain.

i don't want to claim any insider knowledge. i'm not pretending i'm a psychic. i'm just pointing out the obvious.

that poll cannot merely be herding. it's too absurd for that, even.

in the end, the historical record will probably record that it was the emails - even though those of us that lived through it, and were paying close attention, will remember that they shifted the aggregates first, and then created their claimed reason for it afterwards.

and, in fact, this is evidence. if you start seeing the media claim that the numbers came down because of the emails? that's confirmation that this is a setup. because the numbers came down first. or, so they claim



don't expect a good explanation. you'll never get it.

so, what is trump going to be like, then?

bush. reagan. nixon.


grab your pitchforks...

or go smoke a joint. whatever. it clearly doesn't matter much.

he's a puppet of the military. and, it's not even that people are too stupid to figure it out. it's that they don't care if people have figured it out or not. because what are we going to do about it?

it's brazen.

zero fucks given.

don't ask me exactly how they're doing this. but expect to guffaw, i think. he's going to "win" michigan, or something.

it will be outlandish...

and, don't expect an answer. you'll never get one.

it's not your fault, america. you didn't have a choice.