Wednesday, August 15, 2018

and, then there's stuff like this.

this apartment has been relisted repeatedly since at least may.

it's literally the guy's half-finished basement.

now, what kind of person with a job wants to live in a space like that? for $750/month?

you could get a nice apartment for $1000/month. and, minimum wage, nowadays is over $2000/month.

it would be great for a teenager, perhaps. and, it's the ideal space for somebody on longterm disability. but who wants to go to work all day to live in somebody's basement?

so, the landlord is just a complete fucking idiot...

the reason it's maddening is what it's leaving open. no matter how you parse this through, this landlord's right-wing stupidity is directly responsible for somebody sleeping on the street.

and, yeah, that pisses me off.

when we talk about abolishing private property, when we talk about how property is theft, this is a good demonstration of the point.

that property owner is stealing a home from somebody.