Saturday, August 17, 2019

i mean, i've pointed this out before.

the police are there to moderate the drug trade, rather than shut it down. and, at the end of the day, they're also there to protect the drug dealers from the wrath of the anger in the community about the effects of addiction.

so, there's this weird thinking on the libertarian right that removing the state would lead to a society that is more lax on drug use. but, i'd rather argue that, in an actual anarchist society, when the police are no longer there to protect the pushers, what would actually happen to people pushing hard drugs like meth, crack or heroin is that they'd be strung up in a tree by an angry mob.

and, if you were the fucker that sold my daughter her last hit before she overdosed, and the cops weren't there to protect you, i can tell you that i'd be looking for your head on a pole.

it was genesis p'orridge that pointed out that heroin is only less dangerous than capitalism. and, you really can't make sense of hard drug use outside of a capitalist paradigm - only a society rooted in the naivete of free markets would allow for such a thing.