Saturday, August 17, 2019

is marijuana legalization actually....

....population control?

listen, i just want the ability to choose when i'm stoned and when i'm not. that's what it comes down to. and, that should be a fundamental right.

and, i shouldn't have to send a thug with a gun after you to get you to respect that, either.

i tried to turn the water off a few hours ago and i just got swamped. *shrug*. so, i've got something up at reddit asking what it means when the water from your your water main reeks and running the hot water flushes out the smell. i mean, it's almost like a crude boil water. is it just a function of the bad water supply? is the water here really that gross?

but, now that i'm starting to get a better grasp of what's happening, i can hardly turn the water off and deal with it.

fwiw, it did rain here early this morning, which is when i'd have been trying to enjoy the overnight. and, they're officially calling for rain this evening @ 90% certainty. i'm actually kind of relieved about it as i don't think i'd have that much fun at villain's. and, that means i'm officially staying in, and hoping it clears up for tomorrow.

i've started on october, as well, and i think it's likely a pretty quick job, relative to the last few. that's not to say that it's less data, overall (it might be more), but that most of it is already done. and, that should be the norm moving forwards, too. if i'm in for the month, i could get through 2013 before september 1st.

so, i'm going to step away, take a quick grocery run before the rain hits, make some eggs and then hop in the shower. if it doesn't clear up tomorrow, that might be my last step outside the house this month. at the least, i'm planning for a long slog through the rebuild.

i guess i have two modes. and, i'm potentially swinging back to hermit mode, now, as i push back into getting some work done.