Saturday, August 17, 2019

so, if there's a late party in detroit tonight, i can't find any evidence of it - which isn't to say it isn't happening, or even that i don't know the spot, but just to say that i can't confirm it. there's the usual options at the goth club and the gay club, but i'm not feeling it, really. or, at least, not yet. the gay club is the more likely option but i think it's pretty remote...

there's another possibility i could try, which is an after hours club not far from here, but i'm not even sure they still exist and, if they do, i suspect it's fucking dubstep. that seems like such an obvious option, i know, but i really just don't like the genre. there's also something at villain's, but it's almost certainly going to be people sitting and chatting rather than dancing and grooving, and i tend to find that kind of thing painfully boring. i don't want to sit and chat. sorry. i might drop in for a beer once in a while, but villain's is kind of a bourgeois place. i'd actually bet that most of the regulars are going to go to the comic book convention.

(i've never "read" a comic book in my life.)

i'll check the weather in a few hours, and if it looks like tomorrow is a wash and tonight is nice, i might flip the thing over and do the villain's/x bit after all. but, for right, now, i'm looking at this:

13:30-14:30 - oopapada @ ripe records. grosse pointe. free.
14:30-18:00 - bike to hamramck, and get a beer somewhere.
18:00-20:00 - tomato fest @ outer limits. hamtramck. free + cost of food.
20:00-???? - prog & math show @ ghost light. hamtramck. $10 + cost of beer.

the last sunday bus is 00:30. if i miss it, i guess i'm hanging out until the morning.