Sunday, July 21, 2024

what do i think is actually going on in the united states election?

going back to 2016, my projection was as follows:

- the polls suggest clinton is going to win
- but the media has made it obvious that trump will be the next president, even if clinton wins.

the idea that elections are free and fair in the united states is a kind of axiom in the west, but most of us know it's not true. it's classic doublethink, right out of orwell. the united states is in truth a dictatorial military junta that allows for self-governance at the domestic level and a certain veneer of democracy at the international level, but it intervenes when it's control becomes tenuous. americans vote for presidents to do things like cut taxes and reform health care, but the president's actual role in the constitution is as commander in chief. tax cuts and health care are supposed to be dealt with by congress.

so, it's less that the pentagon wanted trump to win and more that it could not accept clinton. trump was seen as an easily controlled dunce, which is what he turned out to be. clinton was seen as somewhat of a radical, and it wasn't due to her gender, it was due to an intersection of a set of policies that were considered unacceptably liberal in the united states when she was younger and the reality that she demonstrated, as secretary of state, that she was for sale to the highest bidder, and not subject to oversight or control by the pentagon. if some sheikh wants ghadaffi gone, they just need to name the price, and it doesn't matter if that would blow up the balance of power with the turks and russians or lead to world war three (which it essentially did. libya is at the core of ukraine. libya is at the core of syria.).

the pentagon outright flatly and permanently rejected clinton as commander-in-chief, so a soft coup was organized through the media and some razor-thin results in two states and trump was put in charge, as a puppet, to allow for cental command to consolidate. it worked. 

now, i told you from day one that biden's foreign policy was going to be a catastrophe but the pentagon seems to have misjudged him. 2020 wasn't seen as a substantive election from the pentagon's perspective, so they let it go through. they made a mistake, and now they need to get biden out of office.

i don't think it's a coincidence that this picked up after the nato conference and i don't think the issue is biden's age so much as i think it is his stubbornness. drunk with power, biden stopped listening to his generals and is becoming a threat to upend the balance of power and potentially create some vicious hot wars. he's lost his mind. biden knows better, or so he thinks. the pentagon doesn't allow for that and, frankly, the pentagon is right: biden does not know better, and biden's foreign policy decisions have been catastrophic across the board, everywhere. so, cue the media shift, and if you listen carefully to biden, he seems to realize he's the victim of a soft coup in motion.

i'm going to shift the narrative a little, then.

biden needs to step down...or else.

"or else what?"

or else he gets removed.

and, that might be why trump got shot at, to set the narrative up. i don't know. i know that when the american media starts moving in lockstep like this, even when they're right, it's because they're being directed by the pentagon, and it's obvious enough what the reason for it is.