Tuesday, August 27, 2024

when it rains it pours.

this was predictable (and was predicted, by me), given the weak state of leadership in the united states, which is a situation that mirrors the george w. bush presidency. 

this is the problem with kamala - her domestic policy might be marginally better than trump's, but the world doesn't respect her. and we're really in no better a position than we were before biden stepped down, whatever the feeling is amongst democratic partisans.

the presidency is supposed to be a foreign policy position first and foremost and the united states is facing a major crisis in that position right now. biden is a foreign policy incompetent and always has been. harris looks like more of the same to the rest of the world. trump proved in his first term that he was a paper tiger, all bluster and no bite. his bluff is blown. this is broadcasting an easy target to the rest of the world.

the pentagon probably needs to get harris in charge now and have her convince the rest of the world that she's strong enough, tough enough and, goddamnit, people fear her, in order to prevent a global catastrophe. six more months of biden is just an invitation to encroach in the united states' sphere, while it's too weak to react.