Wednesday, January 15, 2025

the media and the liberal party are advancing this kind of groupthink that puts this vague idea of "canada first" without defining what that means.

what does it mean?

the truth is it doesn't mean anything, it's just typical empty platitudes from trudeau and his cronies. it means trudeau first. it means the liberal party apparatchiks first. 

that language needs to be rejected; we need to be putting canadians first, not canada first and there's a tremendous difference in those two statements. think what your country can do for you, not what you can do for your country. individual people are important; collectives, countries, governments and parties are not important.

the policies that the state will advance to purportedly help the country will devastate the people that live in it. these policies might help some abstraction of the investor class outside the country, but they won't help the people that live in it. this has been the problem with so-called free trade from the start; it prioritizes an investor class while devastating actual people. retaliatory tariffs are just more of that.