Friday, February 28, 2025

what happened in the white house today with zelensky and trump looks brutal. granted. but, history will demonstrate trump is right.

what i have realized, and what the media won't cover, is that biden was hopefully the last cold warrior. he started from day one in his withdrawal of afghanistan (which, whatever he said, was about redeploying resources to europe) and had an obsession with creating the knockout blow to finally defeat the russians. he never campaigned on this, and few people saw it coming. nobody seemed to want to believe it.

in the end, nato was launching an offensive incursion in russia by sending trillions of dollars into ukraine which is not an ally or a democracy. ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world. it's a kleptocracy that has experienced multiple coups since the collapse of the soviet union, and spent the first 25 years under a literal dictatorship. it's recent history is more similar to a country experiencing oriental despotism, like kazakhstan, than any country in europe. it has generally leaned towards russia, not the west; that was why there needed to be a coup in 2014.

the catastrophic mess that biden created by his aggressive policy to destroy russia (he seems to have thought the russians were so weak they'd be defeated by ukraine, which is absurd) has to be cleaned up using similarly aggressive tactics. zelensky is not a politician; he's a creation of biden, and he says the things he says because it's what biden groomed him as. he's a puppet that's lost his puppeteer. he should resign, and should be replaced.