Saturday, April 8, 2017

no, i'll say this again - and i was consistent all the way through the cycle.

trump's foreign policy sounded better, or at least it did in bullet form. if you let him try and explain it, it became obvious that the reality was that he didn't have the slightest idea of what he was talking about. so, it meant nothing. in the end - once he was properly briefed - his foreign policy would basically be indiscernible from clinton's, because clinton's foreign policy was just a reflection of the existing status quo in the first place.

the difference was that clinton would repeat what the wonks had said and then try and market it, whereas trump would just go play golf instead.

no, i said that - i told you he'd spend most of his time playing golf.

so, yes, the military-industrial establishment and the neo-cons are reasserting themselves. they work with the big banks to push the contracts through.

trump's viewpoints during the cycle were a reflection of his ignorance and "evolved" as a consequence of being briefed. had he been briefed, he'd have sounded just like jeb, who sounded like he did because he'd been briefed.