Saturday, February 6, 2021

i'm going to say this again, and i probably need to be more careful every time i say it, which demonstrates the point.

there's lots of reasons to criticize the chinese government, but they are correct to recognize islam as a threat and a virus, and are acting rationally in neutralizing it. while i will not withhold criticism of them entirely, i will restrict it to an urging to act as humanely as possible as they help these populations move past their superstitions and delusions.

i had a similar position regarding tibet; i essentially supported the crux of what the chinese were doing in tibet, but i called on them to do it as humanely as possible.

i do not have a conservative bone in my body, or see the value of maintaining the existence of obsolete cultures or backwards ways of life. but, there's a fine line between helping a people evolve and wiping them out, and i hope the chinese can find a way to lean toward the former, in a way we failed to do with our own less advanced cultures. we carried out a genocide; let's hope they learn from our mistakes.

but, this is something we should be helping them with, not criticizing them over.