Saturday, February 6, 2021

it's now saturday morning...

so, i spent much of thursday night rebuilding blogs over early 2020, sort of half waiting for the files to appear. i wanted to catch up to a certain point, stop to eat and then get to writing the response to the hospital case. instead, i hit this kind of "posting limit" that google seems to want to enforce sometime around sunrise, and decided to get a start on the response and then eat. but, i got lost in it - and finished it around 13:00.

the files showed up around 14:00, but i was asleep.

i woke myself up after a nap and dragged myself to the post office to mail what is hopefully the last foia request.

when i got in, i essentially had to eat, and then fell asleep. i've been cleaning since i woke up.

i'm going to be backposting for a few days, still, so i should build my schedule around it. i'll need to see what information i can get from what they sent me, and if i want to file any sort of addition to what i sent on friday or not. i'm hoping to get the name of the psychiatrist and the name of the security guard from the files. but, if google is going to stop me from posting every few hours, i can use that as downtime to do other things, and kind of multitask. 

so, i'm back to backposting.

but, i'm going to post what i sent this morning, first.