Thursday, August 8, 2024

the case filed at the board was utterly vexatious and nonsensical and should have had no chance of success at the board, but i got an extremely conservative adjudicator that imagined a situation that doesn't exist and produced a ruling that is actually going to cost the landlords thousands of dollars to enforce. it is a completely ridiculous ruling that is rooted in imagination and projection rather than facts and evidence.

i got unlucky, in getting a right-wing adjudicator.

but, i also think that a long term consequence of doug ford being premier is that the board is changing in a way that is not beneficial to most ontarians. my interactions with the board over the last few months indicate a very noticeable shift to the right by the board.

as a transgendered socialist, i'm essentially a persona non grata to the conservative movement. i have no rights. i'm an enemy to smite.

the divisional court will address these errors, but it won't correct them at the moment, since the massive step backwards taken in vavilov. that's better than nothing, but it's not good enough, really.

i'm hoping the changes in the market - in interest rates and in lower demand due to less students - give me a level of opportunity to move that hasn't existed in the last 15 months. that is likely to peak in october or november. i should be able to stall.

i could also win some hearings scheduled in the next month, but i'm realizing that the culture at the board has changed, and it might be more difficult than i'd like.