Thursday, August 8, 2024


i've got some work to do.

the upside is that the gross freaks appear to have finally left and that i'm finally in priority status for subsidized housing. the downside is that i have to get a stay within a few days and it might be somewhat of an issue to get the court to do it for me that quickly, which is particularly frustrating given that all they need to do is stamp the fucking thing.

the court i need to file in is several hundred kilometres away. at least they offer virtual services, but there's a time lag attached to it that i'm running up against. i may end up getting the stay at the very last minute.

i need to get some documents typed up essentially immediately, as i need to have them filed in the morning. i also need to format one of the computers with an operating system that can log into zoom by the morning. 

i knew this was going to be tricky, but i was expecting a time frame of 6-12 weeks, not less than 3 weeks to react.