Friday, November 22, 2013

Disability justice complicates our understanding of violence against “mentally ill” IPOC by taking the conversation to the level where we address how queer trans liberation work is inseparable from disability justice work.

that statement demonstrates everything that is ridiculous about approaching social issues from an "intersectional" perspective.

first, something that complicates our understanding is presented as a positive. that might be true if your aim is to sell textbooks at multiple year levels, but people that actually care about social justice are concerned about simplifying issues into workable solutions, not complicating them into meaningless intellectual abstractions.

second, the sentence is actually incoherent. as much written on the topic is. disability justice demonstrates how queer issues are inseparable from disability justice? what?

third, it's existing in some kind of paradoxical phase. the intersectional analysis began by splitting people into atomized groups based on as many adjectives as they could find. then, through much careful thought and discussion, the situation has been "complicated" by the realization that the issues are, in fact, not separable at all. shocking? or completely fucking obvious?

if the end result of this idiotic delve into "intersectional analysis" is the conclusion that it's the wrong way to approach things, i suppose it will turn out that the whole thing wasn't a waste of time. it'd just be nice if we could hurry the process up a bit, and remove the phrase from it's existing status as "trendy hipster slacktivist buzz word".