Friday, August 21, 2015

If you say children, do you mean multinational corporations?

Then yeah...Harper loves them.

Jessica Murray

it's specifically when they say *dependent* children that they mean multinational corporations. 

Cyrus Manz
ONTARIO TEACHER UNIONS have just announced that they will be on strike across the province starting on the start of the school year in a couple of weeks from now.

So now whatever help Ontario parents get from the federal government will have to be spent on RAISED salaries for their teachers.

Think about it!

Jessica Murray
you gotta pay teachers. otherwise, you end up with conservative voters.

if you're dead set on not printing money, we could always cancel some military contracts.

more seriously, the ontario government takes a class war approach to this that's designed to keep the fight up so they're rewinning the same battles rather than breaking new ground. it's unavoidable. and, from their perspective, they have to be pro-active. so, they'll start all kinds of fights and then back off and then pick it back up.

the traditional conservative dream of class harmony through strict obedience to social hierarchy is a pipe dream in a modern economy. this is a perpetual struggle that can never be won, but can only be fought into perpetuity.

if your interests are on the side of the state, you just have to accept there's going to be conflict and you're going to lose the fight, sometimes. which is why you have to support being pro-active in throwing wrenches into things to consistently give the state a better bargaining position, or move the battle into an area that's already been decided. and, if your interests are with the teachers, then you've just got to grab a sign and get at it.