Monday, March 7, 2016

j reacts to the confusing/contradictory maine primary results

i'll admit that everything i know about maine comes out of a stephen king novel, and that i read those novels 25 years ago. but, a very hard to understand trend is emerging.

1) polling suggests that hillary is doing better amongst registered democrats, and bernie is doing better amongst independents.
2) hillary is consistently losing caucuses in blue states.

that is a contradiction that suggests the necessity of bad data or vote rigging. i've been through this before: you can explain bernie's strong showing in red states by concluding there aren't any centrist democrats in the heartland, because there's nothing in it for them. but, maine and minnesota (specifically) are blue states and hillary's supposed dominance amongst registered democrats should have given her an overwhelming advantage in the caucus, where independents are not allowed to participate.

it is past curious - and is now suspicious - that hillary is doing disproportionately well in contests where you can rig the vote, and inexplicably poorly (relative to the polling of democrats v independents) in states where it is impossible to rig the vote.

i think bernie should drop out immediately and run as an independent.