Tuesday, July 12, 2016

if you believe that clinton is opposed to the tpp, wants to ease restrictions on immigration, etc then maybe i'm at 87% agreement. what does a site like this do when faced with a candidate that switches positions every other day? you could actually say the same thing about trump. they're probably both somewhere around 40%.

when i did this four years ago, i had 2% agreement with mitt romney. no joke. then they claimed i had 91% agreement with barack obama. yet, obama and romney were essentially the same candidate. how could i have 91% agreement with obama and 2% agreement with romney, when obama and romney had 98% agreement with each other? the site's a joke.

they also claimed i was 99% in agreement with the greens, but only 88% in agreement with the socialists - implying that they had obama positioned to the left of the socialists.

that other site i posted a few weeks back (political compass) is a lot better. a lot, lot better.

but i was curious, anyways. there it is. even if it's wrong...