Wednesday, July 27, 2016

j reacts to continuing democratic party frustration with the left

it's just disingenuous to expect sanders supporters to concede that the difference between trump and clinton is that great. all the language thrown around treats it as an assumption - or something so obvious that it doesn't need to be demonstrated. the basis of the push back is just simply that the case has not been made. hillary supporters are going to have to actually make that case: they are going to have to convince these people that hilllary is measurably better than trump.

it's not obvious. and you do have to make that argument.

see, here's the twist: i don't think it's actually true. trump is absolutely terrible. hillary is in some ways even worse, because she's more calculated.

i have no problem spinning the language around: how can you look your grandkids in the eye and tell them you voted for hillary clinton? i couldn't.

the facts are not on bernie’s side. i don't want to pretend that i don't understand his perspective, but he's just not correct.

like, what is it. you want to vote for clinton on climate change? on immigration policy? on foreign policy? how is she better at any point along the way? i'm not even sure she supports stimulus spending, which is the one place she might be a little bit better. and, she wants to run on everything except the economy.

you have to actually have this debate, if you want to convince people. and, good luck to you.

the current approach - "have faith in the party" - is going to get the reaction it deserves.