Wednesday, May 1, 2019

i was slowed down tonight by a brutal asthma attack and lost roughly an hour as a consequence of it. just when i thought it had gotten better...

...but the shifts in weather (it's been cold this week, and the heater has been on) have reduced me down to one of two possibilities:

1) the source of shit in the air is the heaters. they might be dirty, or i might be reacting to dry air. but, there seems to be a correlation, at least.
2) if it's not the dirty heaters, then the only thing really left is that i can't really tell if he's smoking upstairs unless he closes the windows. when he does close the windows, when it's cold or when it's raining, i get swamped by the smoke from upstairs.

so far, the rain has been correlated with cold and dreary weather so the heat has come on. but, we're going to finally get some nice humid weather today at the same time as some rain, and that's consequently something that i'll be able to check.

i at least finished the cross-referencing on the politics blog archive. i will need to format it after i eat, and could post it before noon.