Wednesday, May 1, 2019

so, how am i doing this?

i'm going to keep the bandcamp downloads as monthly updates, and leave the semesterly (i may say quarterly, but we're doing thirds and not quarters) downloads for the noise trade site. and, i'll build that up into yearly downloads and even period downloads as well, but keep it all isolated at that space, while only putting up monthly updates at the bandcamp site (along with liner notes and eventual period disc html front ends).

what i'm worried about is ending up with too many duplicate journal entries at the bandcamp site, and double or triple charging people for it. so, i can either do it by semester only or monthly only. the monthly updates should keep the journals more readable and succinct as  go forward...

so, all of the updates for the music blog for 08/13 are now done, and i'm moving on to building up the politics site. the music journal for the second half of the summer semester is 441 pages and ready to publish, but i'll wait until i'm done each of of the august entries first.