so, i didn't want to sleep all day, but i did, and it's time to get up. i am awake. finally. i tried a few times and fell back over again...
i dunno. the headache last week, maybe? i didn't sleep a lot last week over all, though, either. maybe that big meal i had yesterday just pulled the general lack of sleep together and said "now". *shrug*.
i need to get some fruit, first, then do some taxes, then get back to cleaning.
then, i will need to make a number of calls in the morning before i get out for some errands. it'll at least be warmer out, maybe warm enough that i can avoid the face mask.
i will need to call the divisional court first to figure out if they accepted the factum or not. when i talked to them on friday, they basically made it clear that there was no way they'd accept it. i'm not mailing a reply factum if they won't accept the factum. i'll also need to figure out what's going on with the motion.
i should also get a more detailed time listing for the oral presentation to send to the cops. i kind of dropped that on them.
maybe it's better that i'm wide awake...