Friday, June 12, 2020

trying to separate these three different identities is sometimes a hard task. maybe i should clarify it a little for myself, if not for others, so i'm not freaking myself out over it.

1) initially, dsdfghghfsdflgkfgkja was my general posting identity. it's just a string of random characters, strategically chosen so that d starts and a ends. it means nothing, and just came out of the annoyance of trying to find a username that didn't have a number at the end of it, as those are always eyesores. some time around 2007 or 2008, i started posting very heavily on the cbc site using variations on this theme - there were dozens of accounts set up, all eventually deleted, and in the long run eradicated by the government. they disabled them all, one by one. i was hoping to get some of these conversations for the blog, but it's unlikely i'll get much, besides what's archived over email, which isn't much. and that's a shame, truly. there were some great debates there that are now lost. no thanks to michael ignatieff...

that handle ended up converted into a facebook page, which was essentially a link dump, that ran from around 2010-2014. i have most of the facebook page in archive; the tail end of it is the beginning of this blog.

while that handle was initially for everything, it is now strictly the political side of my posting persona, although it also functions as the general blog site. over time, much of that will get doubled to the music site.

2) deathtokoalas was initially an email address that i set up to send dumpfiles home from work, when i was doing tech support for microsoft. at the time, there weren't a lot of good options for sending large files over email. that was 2006/2007ish. i didn't start posting on youtube under this moniker until early 2014, and, when i did, i used it for everything - music reviews, politics, social criticism and also to market my own tunes. i shut that moniker down in early 2016, but it lingered, and i set the blog back up in 2019, to specifically focus on music reviews & media criticism, with the political component split off to this blog, and the music journal split into it's own space, as well. deathtokoalas also has a socratic dialog component to it that began with the dstkgfutydtikguyfduyogfia concept but has largely been lost, so lengthy debates will end up there, whether they fit the general theme of the blog or not.

yet, as deathtokoalas became this overreaching youtube identity when it existed, it's sometimes hard to split ideas away from it. in my mind, i seem to still want it to be this general youtube identity so i want the blog to contain all youtube posts, and i keep having to force myself to enforce the separation...which is hard, psychologically....

so, for example, there's times when i posted my music to youtube, and i want to crosspost the memory to the deathtokoalas blog, but i have to stop myself from doing it, as the music journal takes that task over, totally. the fact that it was posted under the deathtokoalas moniker at the time does not matter; the music journal is for music, this blog is for politics and deathtokoalas is for media commentary, specifically. let's get it right, jess.

3) and then there is the music journal, which will in the end double as a broad general journal, as well. it includes notes on recording (when it is happening), cross-references to blogs about recording and posts about where to buy completed recordings. so, that means it will take over that component of the deathtokoalas identity, and i can't be upset about deathtokoalas losing it.


i think i had to type that out to clarify it for myself in my own head. great. moving on...

i will be slightly updating the february and march deathtokoalas journals to ensure i'm being consistent and complete. i went back and updated the links for the music blog, at least, after all. it will not be long before i move into april, and let's hope i can pick this up.