Tuesday, January 5, 2021

so, the update on the saga of the pasta bowl is that i've added garlic, lime & yogurt back without further consequence, clarifying the point with the sunflower seeds - either that was a bad batch of sunflower seeds, or i'm reacting badly to something in the sunflower seeds. i guess i could be reacting to the phytic acid (although i thought the phytic acid was in the hulls...), i could be reacting to the high fat content, i could be reacting to rancid fat in the seeds or i could be having a mild allergic reaction.

or, i guess, i was sick and it's completely passed. but, i don't think so. i think i've demonstrated to myself that i wasn't sick at all. like i knew i wasn't.....

the last test is this: i've eaten a tablespoon of sunflower seeds just alone. it's been a few hours since i ate anything previously and i won't eat for a few more. so, let's see what happens. if it results in violent diarrhea, i guess i'll have to throw them out. if it doesn't, i'm going to be looking at a way to get the e requirements up and it may involve adding a tablespoon to the fruit bowl. the e requirements are now 240% over the three meals, which is 120% of 150% (a day and a half's worth) of the 20 out of 15 mg total. that's 36 mg of e to find. i've boosted the per meal to 60% to do it, meaning i need 15% more in the fruit bowl, even with the high amounts in the margarine, eggs & various spices in the other two bowls.

i don't like the omega-6:omega-3 ratio in sunflower seeds, but options for non-supplemental e (and, supplemental e has some red flags attached to it) without high omega-6 or high k1 levels are pretty scarce and a small amount might just get me into the requirement zone for omega-6, anyways. sunflower seeds are just about the most targeted form of e out there, and they have tons of other useful stuff like b5, too. it would be better if i didn't react so terribly to them.

but, if i do react terribly then i need to accept the facts and move on with it.

i could bring the vector back up, i could bring in something like almonds or highly fortified peanut butter (if i can find it) or i could keep looking for something with a better polyunsaturated fat ratio. but, that needs to come up, one way or the other.