Thursday, April 8, 2021

i already posted about how low testosterone should increase ferritin, and this study suggests that high estrogen should also do the same thing.

and, if you think about that, it makes sense - women need more iron then men because they bleed more often. on a regular schedule, in fact. so, when i point to studies suggesting that hormone therapy should increase rather than decrease iron stores, there's some good, clear thinking, there.

listen - if i came in with a specific problem, and somebody could tie it to the hormones, i'd think it through and react and adjust.

but, the science around iron and female hormones suggests the opposite concern - that estrogen supplementation & testosterone suppression should make my body more efficient with iron, and not less so.

in fact, women will often be asked to go off the pill when testing for iron, because it may interfere with the results by boosting it.

so, let's rule this out, immediately. it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. in fact, it's the opposite of what you'd expect - both via the existing science and via common sense.